This event symbolizes the need to immerse into the ocean and take action to address its challenges. It represents the depth of the ocean and the importance of acting to preserve it. The conference aims to inspire individual and collective action to conserve the ocean.

The ocean is vital for life on Earth, but it is in danger!

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution threaten it.

It’s time to act! International measures have been agreed upon to protect it. Costa Rica and France are organizing an event in 2024 to take action.

Let’s protect our ocean now! Our future depends on it. Join the movement and dive into change!


The high-level event on ocean action

It is envisioned as a platform for the exchange of best practices and successful experiences related to ocean governance and health. It aims to highlight topics of global significance on the ocean agenda and drive specific implementation actions to address the severe environmental crisis it faces.

The high-level event on ocean action

Topics and format

Eight international panels will be held, where leaders from various fields will showcase concrete examples of best practices to promote the sustainable use of resources.

Fishing resources
Fight against Ghost Fishing Gear
Blue economy
Satellite technology for ocean conservation and sustainable use
Promoting global access to ocean cleanup technologies
Scientific developments to address marine plastic polliution
Effective implementation of global agreements
Mobilization of necessary and available resources and financial mechanisms for effective ocean health and governance

June 07th and 08th, 2024

San José,  Costa Rica

Canciller André destaca labor de Costa Rica en protección del océano



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